Recap of Every Death in Peaky Blinder That Are Close to Shelby

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peaky blinders

The final Peaky Blinders season is finally out on Netflix. Since 2013, this series has managed to anesthetize millions of fans around the world. In fact, the last season of Peaky Blinders was broadcast on the BBC channel on 27 February.

Peaky Blinders tells the story of Thomas Shelby, the head of the mafia in Birmingham, England, with all the twists and turns of his life which is very close to intrigue, conflict and murder.

Tommy – as he is usually called, not a person so strong that he can protect those closest to him. The proof is that in the six seasons that have aired, there is always a family or relative of Tommy who dies. Welcoming the final season, let’s recap the people closest to Thomas Shelby who died in each season.

1. Season 1 – Danny Whiz Bang

The first season was the season where the audience was introduced to the Peaky Blinders group. The gang that drives the gambling business in the City of Birmingham. Important people in the Peaky Blinders gang do have family ties, even though their sympathizers come from many circles and are very loyal to this group.

One of them is Danny Whiz Bang. This bald-headed man is one of the Peaky Blinders sympathizers and so loyal to Thomas Shelby. In fact, he is willing to be sacrificed when the Peaky Blinders gang faces problems. He is willing to be appointed as a guilty person and willing to play dead in order to protect the Peaky Blinders.

At the end of the first season when the gang faced Billy Kimber’s gang, Danny Whiz Bang was shot dead by Billy’s bullet. Thomy was furious, could not accept that his trusted person died, he went on a rampage and killed Billy Kimber by shooting him in the head.

2. Season 2 – Freddie Thorne

Since the first season, Tommy’s sister Shelby has fallen in love with a Jewish activist named Freddie Thorne. All members of Peaky Blinders disagree with Ada and Freddie’s relationship.

Even though Freddie used to be a good friend of Tommy. Until finally behind the affair with Freddie, Ada was pregnant. Thomas couldn’t help but accept Freddie as part of his family. All the struggle that happened in the first season. When the second season began, the audience was immediately presented with the sad news when Freddie Thorne died.

Freddie died after getting sick from the Spanish flu that hit. Ada Shelby is also a widow and has to raise her child alone.

3. Season 3 – Grace Shelby

Tommy’s true love is attached to Grace, a woman who was a police spy but eventually fell for Tommy’s charms. They finally got married.

But who would have thought that their second marriage would only last a lifetime. In season three, Grace dies after being shot in the stomach when Thomas and Grace attend a party.

Tommy was furious to see the woman he loved the most die. Since then, he never had feelings for women seriously. Even though he finally married Lizzie, Grace remained the only woman he loved.

4. Season 4 – John Shelby

Thomas Shelby really can’t work alone. His brother and sister Arthur and John Shelby have always been the two people who helped him to complete many missions. Arthur who is always fiery and John who is fearless, both managed to make the Peaky Blinders the most feared gang.

Unfortunately, in the fourth season of Peaky Blinders against such a vicious enemy. They are Luca Changretta mafia group from Italy. The impact of that cruelty was the murder of John Shelby. He was shot through the body. This death is so surprising for Peaky Blinders fans, because the figure of John Shelby has a strong character and is liked by many people.

5. Season 5 – Aberema Gold and Bonnie Gold

In the fifth season, the conflict is more complicated than the previous seasons. Tommy meets more people who threaten his life, one of which is Aberma Gold and his son Bonnie Gold.

Even though they were initially hostile, they were finally able to form a coalition. Aberama is finally on the side of the Peaky Blinders. But the enemy they faced was much crazier. They are a group of Billy Boys who are notorious when they kill.

Sure enough, Bonnie Gold in the fifth episode of the fifth season was brutally murdered, after her body was removed and crucified. Aberama heart broken and wanted to take revenge.

In the final episode of the fifth season, Tommy thought of a strategy to defeat Oswald Mosley and kill the members of the Billye Boys who became Mosley’s cronies.

That strategy didn’t work, instead Aberama was killed on the mission. At the end of the fifth season, Tommy began to realize that he had killed many people close to him.

6. Season 6 – Polly Gray and Ruby Shelby

Since childhood, Tommy was very close to his aunt, Polly Gray. Polly is a person who can always be a friend of Tommy’s discussion. This figure is a figure who is always elder in the Peaky Blinders group.

In season six, Polly Gray is reported to have died. It turned out that apart from Aberama and Bonnie, Polly was also a victim of murder that night. Tommy and all the members of Peaky Blinders are devastated by this news.

Polly Gray’s character was made to die because the actor Helen McCrory died. The scene when Tommy finds out his aunt died is really touching. In addition to Polly Gray, Ruby Shelby, his son, Tommy, also died in this sixth season.

Those were the people closest to Thomas Shelby who died every season of Peaky Blinders. Among all the characters who died, who do you think has the most disturbing death story?

Katie Ballard is a freelance writer and editor who covers news, lifestyle, and entertainment topics, including sex and relationships, TV, movies, books, health, pets, food and drinks, pop culture, shopping, and personal finance. She regularly contributes to Premierge, Life Hack Solution, and among other publications.

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